Community Approach
The primary goal of the policy is to achieve voluntary compliance with the tobacco-free campus policy by educating faculty, staff, students, vendors, and visitors about the policy. The enforcement of the tobacco-free campus policy is viewed as the shared responsibility of all those in the campus community, tobacco users and non-users alike. It is expected that all parties treat each other with respect and dignity at all times. It is essential that we support each other and embrace a spirit of having a healthy living, learning, and working environment.
- Members of the campus community who see individuals using tobacco on the UE campus are asked to politely inform these individuals that UE policy prohibits tobacco use anywhere on campus grounds. Communication should be polite, brief, educational, and non-confrontational.
- Courtesy cards with UE's tobacco-free campus messaging will be available to hand out to anyone observed using tobacco products on the campus. Cards are available in the Office of Human Resources, the Crayton E. and Ellen Mann Health Center, and the Health Education Office on the second floor of Ridgway University Center.
- Community members who do not feel comfortable approaching someone violating the policy should contact the administrator in charge of the nearest building or a security officer. This should also be done in the case of non-compliance.
- Community members who wish to report abuse of this policy in an online format or in a confidential, anonymous manner can Report a Concern.
Voluntary compliance is strongly preferred; however, it should be noted that violation of this policy could result in disciplinary actions. Managers, deans, department heads, and supervisors should inform all employees of this policy, and employees are expected to comply. Blatant and chronic violations are subject to disciplinary protocols applicable to faculty, staff, and students. Violations of this policy by employees are handled through the progressive discipline process. Employer resources can be found under Talking Tips for Supervisors.
Jurisdiction for handling violations are as follows:
- Faculty – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, Office of Academic Affairs, and/or Office of Human Resources.
- Staff – Violations are handled through the appropriate supervisor, department head, and/or Office of Human Resources.
- Students – Violations are referred to the Office of the Dean of Students. Violations within residential student housing are handled through the Office of Residence Life.
- Vendors and tenants – Violations are handled through the corresponding liaison office.
- Visitors – Violations related to visitors are handled through the sponsoring office or organization.
Any difficulties can be handled with the assistance of the Office of Public Safety.
Office Phone
1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)
Office Email
Office Location
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722